Select... 8GB Alex Mauer Amor Antiquita A.M.U Anamanaguchi Animal Style Aonami AY Riders Binärpilot Bit Shifter Bud Melvin Cheapshot Coleco Music Commie64 Coova Cornbeast Corset Lore David Sugar Divag Doomcloud Dorothy's Magic Bag exileFaker Firebrand Boy Gijs Gieskes glomag Gordon Strombola Goto80 gwEm Handheld IAYD I, Cactus Jellica knife city Kplecraft Kris Keyser Linde lissajou little-scale Lo-bat. L-Tron Mark DeNardo Mesu Kasumai minusbaby M-.-n Mr. Spastic notendo Nullsleep Orloc Paza Phlogiston Poke-1,170 Psilodump Radlib Rainbowdragoneyes Random Receptors Role Model Rugar RushJet1 Sabastian Boaz Sabrepulse Saskrotch she Sievert Snoopdroop starPause Starscream Stu Sulumi Tangible Ten and Tracer The Depreciation Guild The J. Arthur Keenes Band The X-Dump Trash80 Twilight Electric USK Vim Virt Xinon x|k Yerzmyey YM Rockerz Yuppster ZEN ALBATROSS
This album is a tribute to my love of the vagina. I became very interested in circuit bending and the relationship between sex and music played with "body contacts." The result is a chaotic machine-like sound, with a bit of beauty seeping out.
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